Raças Bovinas

Explore as diversas raças e suas características na pecuária brasileira.

group of cow
group of cow
herd of cattles eating grass
herd of cattles eating grass
heard of black and brown cows eating grass
heard of black and brown cows eating grass
herd of white and black cows
herd of white and black cows
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Excelente site! Informações completas sobre raças bovinas e preços. Sempre atualizado e muito útil para pecuaristas.

Carlos Silva

brown lamb near black cattle on green grass at daytime
brown lamb near black cattle on green grass at daytime

Ótima plataforma! Encontro tudo que preciso sobre leilões e cotações. Recomendo a todos do setor.

Maria Lima

black and white dairy cow on green grasses during daytime
black and white dairy cow on green grasses during daytime